Monday, December 28, 2009

Count Dracula's Castle,Bran,Transylvania,Romania

The figure of Count Dracula that captured the imagination of 19th-century author Bram Stoker did exist.Prince Vlad Dracula of Walachia(1431-1476),who allegedly lived in Bran Castle in the wild and raw region of Transylvania,was known in his lifetime for drinking blood-that was something born of Stoker's fantasy as he researched the vampire-related tales prevalent the folklore of eastern and southern Europe.However,he was known for his ruthless cruelty,including his habit of having his perceived enemies impaled alive on enormous stakes-a practice which he driven the nickname of Tepes(the Impaler).No one's all bad,though,and his native land Vlad remembered as a hero for his battles with the Ottoman Empire.There is no proof that the prince actually ever lived at the medieval Bran Castle,But that hasnt's stopped steady trickle of thrill-seekers,who find in this "land beyond the forest" one of the last European wildernesses,a time-locked country that seems never to have felt the 20th century's touch.Among the forest-blanketed Carpathian Mountains bordering Transylvania are ancient Saxon towns where farmers drive ox-drawn carts and maintain simple life that by no means curbs the sense of hospitality for which they have long been know.:D
So we don't suck blood in Romania.But there are a lot of beautiful places worth to be visited.

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